Oops! This was initially an attempt to post from our 'smart'phone! ... fail... Here's the post from our laptop:
Our first time snowshoeing: Awesome to see the mountains from different perspectives, to see evidence of animals in the undisturbed snow, and to enjoy outdoor winter activities together with new friends! We can't wait to go again!
All decked out and ready to try snowshoeing at the camp on our day off! |
Something so breathtakingly beautiful about Aspens, snow, and "That" Blue! (As Mary Yoder calls it.) |
Jonathan & Dave Miller taking a break to admire the view towards Collegiate Peaks while climbing the steep hill along the Powerline break. | ! | |
Clearly we are adapting to the altitude: Not sure we'd have been able to climb this last week!
What an awesome God: to create us with the ability to enjoy such things as this! |
What in the world made these tracks?! A Mountain Lion?! They were 10 ft apart, no clear prints, not very deep in the 18" snow, and curved to meet up with some different tracks (deer?) in a spot in the woods below. No evidence of blood, but clearly a tussle of some sort! Wow - We love snowshoeing! |
Thanks to Dave Miller for showing us the "ropes"! (New friend, RMMC Board member, and volunteer! AND Big Valley roots to boot!) I am understanding better why people are drawn to the mountains!
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